Once I got netduino pushing to starfish I installed MySQL and wrote a PHP script to strip the two temperature readings from the CSV and load into a MySQL database.
For now the netduino plus 2 controller is pushing data every ten minutes which is then loaded into the database automatically eventually providing a mechanism for remote access of the data via SOAP server and WSDL.
The MySql database is named "netduino" with a table named "Temperature".
I have added three parameters to the table, "stamp", "type", and "value". The stamp variable is type TIMESTAMP meaning it will automatically be generated by mysql when the record is inserted. The type variable is a string to contain the name of the measurement i.e. "Temperature01" and the value variable is a float which holds the actual measurement value.
I have had this running continuously since yesterday so I have accumulated a few readings in the database.
Next step is to install a PHP SOAP protocol server that will serve up the two measurements via XML object that can be parsed and displayed on the project page of www.charlesbvance.com
As soon as the circuit boards I have ordered arrive I will assemble the Thermocouple amplifiers and hopefully begin logging actual temperatures instead of meaningless voltage values.
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