Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 3 of Web Developement II

Just completing week 2 of Web Development II, this week we learned to use JavaScript. I implemented a couple of simple Date Time functions in addition to completing a couple of exercises. These can be found at the Project/JavaScript page of this site.

I found JavaScript syntax to be arcane and overly complicated, I still prefer to use C# as my code behind the web pages. While I have studied other computer languages, Pascal, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, etc. I still prefer C# as my language of choice, perhaps it's all the time I have invested as a Microsoft Windows developer rather than a linux/unix developer.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Starting the capstone project for completion of the web development series of classes. I am not much of a web developer, I prefer C# over HTML and ASPX but web development is a reality in business whether placing a metric or offering an html report via RSS or email its important information to understand. However, this is somewhat painful to learn.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hello! Welcome to My Personal Assistant Site

This is the first blog I have made for my new personal website. I find web development classes challenging  and interesting. I'm looking forward to completing the requirements for my BSCS degree.